The Energy Summer School is held at UNECON annually in August for last consecutive 4 years. The program is aimed to generate a discussion of the reasons and the consequences of oil price dynamics and its implications for other fossil fuels as well as its relation with international decarbonization efforts. The program focuses on the latest developments in the Russian energy sector, as a central piece in the European energy market, and the implications of sanctions for its further development.
Before the start of the program students receive three Energy Cases. The cases introduce three economic, political and ecological perspectives on the development of the energy sector. All the cases reflect the content of the program. Students have to undertake individual and group assignments. Students are required to do three individual assignments, one for each case prior the arrival.
On the first day of the program students are divided into teams. Each team face a task of completing their group assignment before the end of the program. On the last day of the program all the teams present their assignments to the experts and the other teams.
Fabian Stenger, University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Germany
“The Summer University is very informative and it is especially suitable for motivated students from various faculties. There are many things for everyone. I really enjoyed taking a closer look at the global gas market from different perspectives. The cases were very interesting and informative. The Business game has practically impressed me.”
Melina Gurke, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany
“My general impression of the Summer University is that the programme in general is very well organized and structured. It was nice to get a perspective of different experts to try to provide an objective presentation of the Baltic Sea Energy Market.”
SebastianMähl, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, Germany
“I really liked the Summer University, interesting topics with many different views. Very hospitable, open-minded people.»
Yves Korolnik, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
“It was an enjoyable time with very nice people. The lectures and the organizing team of the summer school were very nice and friendly.I liked the trip to Gazprom facility. It was interesting to see what a gas facility looks like and how people in this industry work.”
Selected pictures from the Summer University 2019
Baltic Energy students started with basics — International Energy Security and Russian Oil & Gas in International Context taught by Unecon old friends and extraordinary experts Nikita Lomagin and Dennis Demin.

With Tapani Kaakuriniemi students discussed how Russia represents quite classical way of thought about security as the control of territory, and what are the motives of the NATO or the United States to maintain air bases in this rather peaceful corner of Europe. Peter Klingenberger, former CEO of Uniper Energy Storage GmbH with his great speech on security of supply in the Baltic States.

Day of German business at Baltic Energy SU as Michael Kranhold from 50 Hertz and Tatiana Krylova from Wintershall shared their views on Electricity, Decarbonization and NordStream 2. Unecon closely works with both companies and believes that their experience is crucial to understand regional energy interdependence.

Students were enjoying Peterhof fountains and charming August heat.

Baltic Energy students had field trip to compression and pump station Severnaya (Northern) the last one on the natural gas way to Finland.

Baltic Energy Summer University ended up by group case presentations. Students had to decide in which LNG terminal to invest and where to settle LNG bunker hub.