XI International Scientific Conference Energetika “The Need for Energy Dialogue in a Fast Changing Environment”

14-16 November 2018

On one side the world has seen a joint global approach to climate issues by the Paris Agreement (PA) with strong impact on the energy sector and on the relation between energy resource holding and energy importing countries. On the other hand unilateral approaches by the US by leaving the PA and stepping down from the Iran deal as well as fostering the position of US LNG by political means. While progress has been made in EU-Russia gas relations, much remains open, if not controversial. In such a fast and often abruptly changing environment, it is paramount to foster dialogue between all parties to prevent misunderstandings and to identify mutual opportunities. ENERGETIKA offers itself as a place for an open dialogue on economy, policy and environment aspects of energy.

ENERGETIKA is a conference regularly held in St. Petersburg in the month of November to address recent developments in the energy sector on a global basis with special focus on Russia. It is organized by UNECON (the St. Petersburg State University of Economics) with financial support by energy companies, combining an open academic atmosphere with the insights of representatives of important energy companies, like Gazprom and Gazprom export, as well as from national and international public organizations.

More photos — https://yadi.sk/d/iGjYf8mXsLRIdQ