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International Hybrid Workshop “Decarbonization: a Common Target, but Different Pathways”
International Educational Program for specialists from Latin American countries
International Hybrid Workshop «Cooperation on Energy and Decarbonisation in Central Asia»
XVI International Scientific Conference «ENERGETIKA 21: Economy, Policy, Ecology»
International Hybrid Workshop “The potential of cooperation for decarbonization in the Central Asian region”
International Educational Program for specialists from the ASEAN countries
Summer school 2023 «Changing Energy Landscape»
International Hybrid Workshop «Towards Sustainable Energy: Regional Cooperation and Global Context»
International Hybrid Workshop “Decarbonization in Kazakhstan in a Central Asian Context”
XV International Scientific Conference “Energetika 21: Economy, Policy, Ecology”, “Sustainable Climate and Sustainable Energy: the Timing matters!”
International Hybrid Workshop “Decarbonization and the Role of Hydrogen in Kazakhstan”
The XIV International Scientific Conference «ENERGETIKA XXI: Economy, Policy, Ecology», «Russia and Global Net-Zero»
International Online Seminar “Mobilizing Hydrogen from the East to the West“
CBSS Summer University 2021 — “Changing Energy Landscape: the EU-Russia Energy Relations”
International Online Seminar “The US Contemporary Energy and Environmental Agenda”
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